Our History
We have evolved and adapted as an organization over the years in ways that have matched the needs of our Chapters, our community, and the outdoor recreational landscape in Vermont. In doing so, we have grown at an exceptionally fast pace and into an organization that we are proud of. We are excited to see what the future has in store.
Below you’ll find a timeline of our major milestones over the years. Did we miss a major milestone? Send us an email and let us know (and share photos if you have them!).
Enormous thanks to our Chapters, partners, and the individuals that have continuously moved VMBA forward and help make Vermont a haven for outdoor recreation.
Evolution of VMBA

Looking Ahead
As VMBA embarks on its next 25 years, we’ve asked ourselves if and how we evolve best to support our Chapters, members, and outdoor community. In February of 2022, the VMBA Board and Staff held a retreat to discuss our strategic priorities and direction. Below, you’ll find our updated Vision and Mission statements and more details about our values on our Who We Are page. We hope you’ll support us and our Chapters by becoming a member (if you are not already one) today!
We envision a future where mountain biking is at the center of healthy, economically vibrant, and environmentally sustainable communities throughout Vermont, with well-planned, accessible, and progressive trail systems state-wide.
In pursuit of our vision, we work to ensure the sustainability of mountain biking in Vermont and thoughtfully promote exceptional riding experiences for all through advocacy, education, and community-driven stewardship.
Thank You
We want to say a huge thank you to the following businesses and organizations that provided critical support over the years
- Outdoor Gear Exchange
- Cabot Creamery
- Conine Foundation
- Lintilac Foundation
- Vermont Tourism