Why Join VMBA?

Ryan Bent Photography

Have you been out on the trails and noticed a velcro strip on riders’ forks, seat posts, and other various locations? That’s the proud sign of a VMBA Member showing their support for the mountain bike community.

Have you ever wondered why you should be a VMBA member? Joining VMBA comes with many benefits to both you and to your community.


When you become a member, expect to receive in the mail an official Membership Card, VMBA Velcro Strip (to wear proudly), VMBA Sticker (to display proudly), a list of benefits, coupons and unique Chapter materials (if applicable).

Packets should start to arrive in April 2022.

As a VMBA Member, you are receiving 130+ deals and discounts that help support over 75 Vermont outdoor-minded businesses. These deals range from free downhill mountain bike tickets, discounted demo bike rentals from local shops, discounts to restaurants, breweries, and local apparel, savings on gym memberships, and day passes to local trail networks such as Catamount Outdoor Center & Grafton Trails. These benefits can be used at any point throughout the membership season, April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023.


In 2021, we reached over 9,400 members in support of 28 Chapters spread across the state. When you become a VMBA member, you select your base Chapter, which is commonly the Chapters’ trails you ride the most. Half of the membership goes directly to the Chapter and the other half is retained by the VMBA office to pay for the administrative platform that all the Chapters are plugged into. This process ensures that Chapters are spending the majority of their hosting great events and building/maintaining your favorite trails.

Chapters utilize the membership funds to build and maintain trails and strengthen landowner relationships, which directly translates into more trails for you.

The administrative platform that VMBA office provides includes membership, insurance, member benefits, event support & promotion, statewide advocacy. This important advocacy work is the cornerstone of outdoor recreation in Vermont. Protecting our private landowners from undue regulation is the most critical element of our collective mountain biking future.

In 2021, riders rallied to provide an additional $102,000 in Chapter add-on revenue, we awarded $50,000 in VMBA Trail Grants to 10 different trail projects, and another $33,500 in Naming Grants which gives outdoor-minded businesses, of all types in Vermont, authentic access to making trail decisions with Chapters.


“My first mountain bike ride was at Kingdom Trails 3 years ago. I was hooked from the moment we rode off into the woods – I knew it would change my life.

Last summer [2019], I became more involved in the riding community by attending mountain bike events, joining group rides, and helping at trail nights with Waterbury Area Trails Alliance – WATA. I loved getting my hands dirty helping to build the trails. I rode daily and gained so much respect for all the work that goes into building and maintaining a trail. From riding in other states I realize how lucky we are in VT,  for the variety, amount and cohesiveness of the trails.

VMBA and the Chapters help with the advocacy, fundraising, building/maintenance of the trails and are the reason for our extensive and accessible trail systems. I’m a member because I want to help ensure the future of mountain biking in Vermont is here to stay. Also, the down hill passes and discounts are a pretty sweet bonus. I can’t wait to be back out riding our trails and ripping Florence laps!”

-Chantelle Fisher-Mckone, VMBA Member, VMBA Chapter Liasion, WATA BOD Member



Your membership is important and contributes greatly to some of the best mountain biking on the East Coast. If you’re a trail user – your membership is valued and appreciated.

Join Today



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