VMBA Jersey


Pre-sales have ended. If you have ordered a Jersey, they will ship in October. 

Several years ago, when VMBA recognized the potential for major storms to cause significant damage to the trail systems our Chapters steward, we established the Major Storm Recovery Fund (MSRF). Over time, we’ve set aside funds our Chapters can access to quickly bring trails back online after a catastrophic event like the one we just experienced. Given the widespread nature of the damage from the historic storm that dropped 8+” of rain across VT, the initial estimates conducted by impacted by Chapters suggest an additional $30K, at minimum, is needed to implement necessary repairs across the state.


This year, we’ve created a limited edition VMBA Jersey that features our MSRF logo, and a portion of proceeds will support this critical fund. Dye sublimated by SDR Clothing Company, this lightweight jersey features the MSRF logo on the front chest and the VMBA logo across the back. Check out the size chart on SDR’s website.





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