Cotton Brook – STP
Cotton Brook adjoins Little River State Park and is a popular area for canoe / kayak / SUP access in the summer. It also sees a fair amount of snowmobile traffic in the snowier months, but is still a fatbike-friendly place to ride. This area’s current trail offerings are geared more toward wet weather and off season riding; the roughly seven-mile climb up Cotton Brook road to the top of “the divide” as it’s playfully known is both challenging and incredibly scenic. When the trails are too wet to ride, the double track at Cotton Brook is the perfect place to log some miles.
Although singletrack options in this area are limited, the potential is huge. In collaboration with our friends at the Waterbury Area Trails Alliance and Vermont Mountain Bike Association, we’re actively pursuing new trail building options. These options include improved connectivity from Cotton Brook over to Little River State Park, as well other options to take advantage of this unique and beautiful terrain. The lower area of Cotton Brook is well suited to beginner friendly trails as well. Not to mention, Cotton Brook is a great place to grab a post-ride swim!
So keep an eye on this space; there’s already great support for new trails in this area and we’ll actively update as new information becomes available.
Trailheads within a 45 minute drive
Adams Camp – STP
Cady Hill Forest – STP
Little River State Park – WATA
Sterling Valley – STP
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