Help our Chapters restore trails following a catastrophic weather event

Major Storm Recovery Fund

Quinn Keating

The Major Storm Recovery Fund was created to ensure that VMBA has access to financial resources that will help quickly bring a trail network back online after an extreme weather event. These funds, along with our Major Storm Recovery Plan, are designed to support our Chapters in their response to such events.

What is Major Storm Damage?

Damage to trail systems from major storms can vary – a windstorm that knocks down the overstory, an ice storm that tears down branches, a flood that wipes out culverts or stream crossings, or heavy rain that results in significant erosion. What constitutes “major damage” will be defined in various ways. For some, it will be the cost associated with acute damage; for others, it will be the percentage of trails damaged in a network. For example, if a major culvert or bridge was washed out and destroyed, it may be comparable in impact to a half mile of trail needing to be rebuilt.

Sarah Galbraith

2024 Storm Damage

Following a historic storm that dropped 7+ inches of rain across large swaths of central and northern Vermont, we have yet to assess and document its impact on our trail systems. Some initial reports from Chapters that will require assistance in rebuilding their trails include:

Fellowship of the Wheel

Waterbury Area Trails Alliance

Stowe Trails Partnership

Richmond Mountain Trails

2023 Storm Damage

Following a historic storm that dropped 8+ inches of rain across much of the State, many Chapters incurred damage to their networks, requiring assistance from VMBA’s Major Storm Recovery Fund:

Jamaica Area Mountain Bike Alliance (JAMBA)’s recently completed trail, Hard Corps, was 90% underwater.

Riders in Plainfield and Marshfield (RIPM) have blowdowns throughout their network and bridges that were eroded and, in some cases, completely relocated by the storm.

Montpelier Area Mountain Bike Association (MAMBA)’s North Branch Trails have extensive debris, eroded trail tread, and damaged berms and drainages to repair.

Southern Vermont Trail Association (SoVTA) encountered several blown-out culverts in the Stratton Town Forest, requiring complete excavation and installation of new up-sized culverts.

Learn more about our Flood Response

Erik Schutz
How to Apply for funding
Chapters may apply for support from the VMBA Major Storm Recovery Fund (MSRF). Funding requests must be submitted to the VMBA Board Chapter Representatives (, who will convene the Advisory Council to consider and vote on the request. The complete process for applying for MSRF funds is described in the Major Storm Recovery Fund Application Guidelines document.

Donate to the Major Storm Recovery Fund

Donate today to help our Chapters when a major storm event happens. Your donation ensures the longevity of our outdoor infrastructure for years to come.


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