VMBA has embarked on new initiatives this year that will translate into more great riding. The Regional Membership Alliance Pilot is underway. We all know that out of state riders enjoy your trails on a regular basis, which is great news in many cases. The goal of the new program is to provide an easy way for them to make a contribution. After joining their local organization they will be routed to “add-on” VMBA. It’s clear that many visiting riders are more than willing to make a contribution, but access to doing so needed improvement. In a recent survey 93% of the membership was in favor of VMBA reaching out to regional organizations. We heard this feedback and are in the process of developing closer relationships with multiple organizations.
Multiple chapters have hosted great spring events connecting more riders to each other and sharing news about new trail projects – the stoke is on this year!
VMBA Values:
- Sustainably constructed open access trails
- Playing a key role in protecting Vermont’s landscape through building an aware and connected riding community
- Maintaining excellent working relationships with riders, chapters, sponsors and partners
- Representing the interests of riders through working in concert with public and private land opportunities
2015 Highlights
- The statewide membership platform grew by over 1000 members
- 18-months of advocacy led to the Winter Resources page uniting VAST, CTA, FPR, USFS, Nordic centers & chapters
- The member benefits platform grew through developing new relationships with 15 new partners
- Developed nine new chapters!
- Chapters logged over 20,000 hours of volunteer time
- Awarded over $23,000 in chapter trail grants
- Published a statewide trails map in coordination with chapters highlighting 16 networks
- The 10-year expansion plan with FPR resulted in new access in Groton, Ascutney, Little River and Camel’s Hump
- Significantly matured key relationships with GMC, VASA, VAST, USFS, FPR and the State Department of Tourism
- Matured the partnership with Trail Hub to provide real-time trail updates between builders and riders
- Chapters developed over 25 new miles of sustainable trails with thousands of hours of volunteer time.
2016 Objectives
- Work with the state to clearly define Act 250 for chapters and landowners
- Create a 10-year access agreement to help facilitate connections between private land projects and public funding
- Complete the “New Trail Playbook” outlining new trail projects, funding opportunities and timelines for chapters
- Continued to steward the 10-year expansion plan with FPR
- Increase membership as a means to enhance rider investment in trail days, chapter support and augment the trail grant
- Host the best festival experience in New England and for the best price. July 22-24 in the Mad River Valley
- Play a central role in trail building education through hosting the third annual Chapter Trail Clinic
- Develop closer connections with surrounding mountain bike organizations to augment support for trails
The Vermont Mountain Bike Association (VMBA) is a nonprofit statewide organization serving as the voice of mountain biking in Vermont. Riders coming together to rough in a trail, keep it secret and have a great time with friends laid the foundation for what is the best riding state in the country. Preserving this root characteristic is important, but requires a different approach with the advent of the Internet and smart phones. It was easy to keep a secret in 1993! Fearing the future quickly translates into becoming a prisoner of the past. We can choose to deny this reality or thoughtfully embrace the advantages that come with being proactive. The sport’s popularity has exploded and information exchange has necessitated that our riding culture be protected through a strong and united voice of advocacy. This is the role of your VMBA.
Out of state riders travel to Vermont to mountain bike six or more times a year. The ease of information exchange often expose the most precious and sensitive trail systems in Vermont. Successfully protecting Vermont’s core trails requires attractive, diverse alternatives. VMBA’s relationships with chapters/public land officials is key in protecting our trails and promoting trail diversity for all levels of riders. Over 70% of sanctioned chapter trails are on private land in Vermont. The association has made major strides over the last couple years in lowering the barriers between chapters and landowners.
VMBA is dedicated to connecting riders to each other and supporting the work of chapters on both public and private land. VMBA will remain focused on preserving the historical bedrock of riding in Vermont while simultaneously embracing the realities and opportunities of the day.
VMBA Board of Directors
Alan Hebert – Chair
Scott Mallory – Vice Chair
Amber Broadway – Treasurer
Tom Dacres
John Tedesco
John Tedesco
Clarissa Finks
Shannon King
Melissa Moore
Hilary DelRoss
Hilary DelRoss