
Outdoor Gear Exchange
Outdoor Gear Exchange is your one-stop shop for everything outdoors. Slinging gear since 1995, OGE has new and used equipment for all users. Whether it’s your first time on the trail, you’ve been riding for years, or you’re looking for a safe space to talk about how to try a new sport- OGE has you covered.
At Outdoor Gear Exchange, we are passionate about the outdoors. We are committed to selling quality gear at the best prices possible to make the outdoors accessible and affordable for all levels of ability, from the occasional backpacker to the most accomplished mountaineer. We have fun outdoors and want to share that passion with our customers. We love the gear we sell and want to help people get the most out of the outdoors by sharing our knowledge, experience and killer deals!
We believe in responsible environmental stewardship. We strive to run our business in a way that promotes our staff, local community, and the outdoor industry as a whole to become more effective at preserving our wilderness for generations to come.
We are committed to selling environmentally sound products and run our website on a green server. We believe in taking small steps such as reusing shipping boxes and packing materials as well as promoting pedestrian and bike commuting for our staff while also recognizing larger global changes are needed to foster the health of our planet, its many ecosystems and the flora and fauna of the wild places we recreate in.
At OGE, the workplace is fun, challenging, and rewarding. Our staff, the most crucial ingredient in our overall success, is empowered to question, change, and improve our business. We offer an atmosphere where staff grow and learn while building a career in the outdoor industry. We encourage long-term employment with Outdoor Gear Exchange through profit sharing, a flexible work environment, and an overall high quality of life while building a vibrant and profitable business
Become a Member
Your participation in the membership program connects you to thousands of riders that share a passion for Vermont singletrack.