Get Your VMBA Membership
Miles of trail built since 2012
Miles maintained
Annual volunteer hours
Chapters - up from 14 in 2012
Welcome to VMBA!
VMBA is the umbrella non-profit supporting and advocating for 28 united Chapters and nearly 10,000 members. VMBA Memberships for the 2024/25 season, April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025 are now available!
Your Membership is Critical
Your Membership is Critical
It supports our Chapters' trail building & maintenance efforts, the platform of administrative services they rely upon, and our ongoing advocacy work to needed to protect private landowners and trail access.
Inside YOUR Packet
Inside YOUR Packet
Every member (each individual & family member) will receive a VMBA velcro strip (to wear proudly on your bike), a welcome letter and member benefits list, a VMBA sticker, and any applicable Chapter inserts (stickers/letters/passes).
Member Benefits
Thank you for supporting our mountain bike community with your VMBA Membership!
Looking for the perfect gift? Give a VMBA Membership today:
The VMBA App
The VMBA App
We are excited to have the VMBA App for year two! Through the App, you’ll be able to:
1. Easily stay up to date with your VMBA Membership
2. Add on Chapters or Community Builders at any time
3. Instantly access Member Benefits and downhill resort coupons
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Ali Kaukas (@allliiibaba)
Take Advantage of Your Member Benefits!
Take Advantage of Your Member Benefits!
When you renew or become a VMBA member you gain access to over 150 member benefit perks!
Combined, these can save you over $2K! You also receive four complimentary downhill tickets to our partner resorts.
Check Out Your Membership Benefits
Ride Vermont
Support Where You Ride
Support Where You Ride
When you join VMBA, you’ll select a primary Chapter for your membership, usually where you ride the most or where you live. Our Chapters rely on your membership dues to build and maintain their networks; therefore, if you ride in multiple areas, we encourage you to add that Chapter to your VMBA Membership. You can add Chapters during the checkout process for your VMBA Membership or anytime during the season.
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Zach Walbridge
Support Community Partners
Support Community Partners
Additionally, several community builder partners rely on volunteers to help run their incredible programs. You can support their important work by adding a community builder partner to your VMBA Membership. 100% of the add-on goes straight to that partner.
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